Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Every boy is a snake is a lily / every pearl is a lynx is a girl

"your sweat is salty - I am why"


Remember, be here now, Ram Dass

Monday, July 11, 2011

A broken vacuum, babe.

I spat out seeds from an orange in the sink. I just can't do the citrusy seedlings; it's enough that they're sour. I like sweet oranges and tangerines, most of all I like the clementine.

I couldn't deal with them and threw them out in the backyard. The soil will benefit and the ants will benefit and the spiders will benefit and everything living will benefit from something my mouth refused. And it felt right.

I finally feel right.

I got these small gaps of feeling right, and then feeling fine, and suddenly forgetting what is right. You get used to feeling fine, and with fine translates to not feeling at all, and apathy, I think, is very selfish. It's evil.

Instead of hiding in a plantation outhouse, the leper comes out and says "I am a man". I am somebody.

It's no longer enough to realize, it's only enough to be present. In every moment, thought, movement, dream, spoken word, and every stomach pang.
The old one says to be here now.

I'm here, I say.
Let me get young, but never restless. God willing, never bored.

Monday, June 27, 2011

‎"You know, sometimes I get so flushed, it’s interesting. Do your palms ever itch?"

Hahaha, I was in a sultry mood yesterday, and a wee bit today, but I believe I'm confusing that concept for my feelings of envy for Audrey Horne! I really want all of her clothes! I'm neutral on her character, but at least I'm warming up to her more, whereas in the beginning I really disliked her (sometimes I think she's cruel, but perhaps out of loneliness).

Monday, May 30, 2011


Because we've got to start over.

So, here we are.
How are you? How have you been? What's been eating you? What's good?